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International Scholars Program 

UF Navigators 

Global Ambassador (ISA) 

 The International Scholars Program is an international campus opportunity. It focuses on internationalizing students' experience on campus by the completion of international coursework, international experience, language learning, and by activities on campus. In addition, I have organized and planned Coffee Without Borders by marketing the event on social media, participating, and creating new ideas for the event. Coffee Without Borders is a public event for students to connect based on their diverse backgrounds. As an international scholars student, I have grown as an individual by becoming globally and culturally aware. 

UF navigators is an organization focused giving international students the best UF experience. Most international students come from Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia. This organization helps international students transition into the American culture and meet friends from the United States. As an international mentor, I help my mentee with introducing them the culture at UF, with their classes, and making their study abroad experience a valuable one. 

In the summer of 2016, I studied abroad in Seville, Spain with International Studies Abroad (ISA). While I had the most valuable experience abroad, I decided to become a global ambassador. As a global ambassador, I share my international experiences on campus and motivate students to study abroad. I motivate my peers to study abroad by storing telling my experience abroad. This photograph demonstrates five UF global ambassadors working at the study abroad fair and our goal is to give students study abroad and other international experience opportunities. 

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